Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ooo. I know :)

Hello hello.
What is there new to say? Absolutely nothing. But why not post about nothing, isn't that what people do with blogs these days? :) lol. 13 days until Colorado/Nebraska. I cannot wait! It'll be so much fun. My friends that live in TN will be arriving next week; i'm pretty excited. It is her baby shower. yay! I love babies. I cannot wait to be married and have some of my own ;)
Which brings me to a thought I could write about. I've been kind of a bit distraught over what in the world God wants me to do these days. What will I do when I'm done with this education. I can't help but wonder. I was almost a bit discouraged wondering if I'll be able to help little children overseas learn important things, or what I will be doing. The next day, I was listening to this guy on the Christian radio who had called in, pouring his heart out about how he surrendered his whole life and is begging God to use him in a profound way but it never seems to happen for him. He didn't want his 9-5 job, he wanted to go some place, do something crazy cool with his life for Christ. He said he didn't "get God". I'm sitting there the whole time thinking, "Buddy, are you walking around blinded? Do you not get that God has you at that 9-5 for a reason, and is using you daily!". I suddenly felt VERY foolish. Do I not understand that this is where God wants me momentarily, serving Him from where I am at currently. I have this big picture in my head of just helping little children in a far away place know Jesus, and forget that it doesn't always have to be far away. God chooses some people to go to those far away places, and some to stay near home. It was definitely God using that man's call into the radio station to help me realized I am being used, just not in the way I have pictured in my head right now. Maybe someday, Lord willing, I will be allowed to go overseas and help...but for now, I'm trying to follow Paul's example of being content in where God has me (Philippians 4).
May the God who has saved my very soul, bring you close to His heart.
Love always...k.

Skarfs are fun.

Skarfs are fun.

Ya' wanna know?

Australia, United Kingdom
I once was a lady, who lived in a shoe..had so many children, I didn't know what to do. uh..yeah.