Wednesday, June 24, 2009

off to neverland to find pete!

hey all you bloggers.
just thought i would give a little update on my life. i went to the big ticket festival last thursday and we got back home on sunday. it was alot of fun! i have some photos but i left my camera in someones car up there, unfortunately, and will get it mailed back to me soon.. and should be able to post some photographs! yay.
i'm reading this book called probing through philippians, and another book that i have not started yet, by theodore epp. looks really good! so yesterday i was reading psalm 101. ill put a little highlight from something i am focusing on in my life, from this goes something :)
"i will sing of lovingkindness and justice, to You o Lord, I will sing praises. i will give heed to the
blameless way. when will You come to me? i will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart. i will set no worthless thing before my eyes; i will hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not fasten its grip on me. a perverse heart shall depart from me; i will know no evil."
psalm 101:1-4 its really laid on my heart to make sure i walk in that integrity and keep my ways blameless before God; and hate the way of those who are falling away. i think we just do not realize how detremental disobedience to God is for our life. in order to reach others and fulfill the great commission we must make sure we're keeping out ways blameless and our lives consistant with God's Words.
i just wanted to share that its so important. i hope they help everyone who is reading this to grow :)

its really hot outside today. i hope we get our pool liner so we can go swimming here soon. that would be amazing! oh! I think I should fix my guitar strings to actually start playing again. i love worship music.. plus mari has been making me a little jealous when I call and shes playing some of our favorite songs *ehem* and i can't tryt and play with her lol
well i'm off to never neverland! (haha I don't know why I say that) ill let you know if I run into peter pan!

Skarfs are fun.

Skarfs are fun.

Ya' wanna know?

Australia, United Kingdom
I once was a lady, who lived in a shoe..had so many children, I didn't know what to do. uh..yeah.