Monday, December 8, 2008

Subliminal Messages...

I have doing a little shopping with the siblings for Christmas, and notice so many things have subliminal messages. They are those t-shirts that girls and guys wear with double meanings and the meaning could be taken really inappropriately. It's so immature to me.

Then on the other hand, you have even shampoos and conditioners giving out messages such as this photograph I took with my phone while at the store shopping. I snapped the photo and sent it to my Mom and a close friend of mine, because we had talked about this the other day.

When I was young, (this is a true story, alot of people will get laughs out of it, I know lol), but I bought a shirt that said "Brunettes have more fun!", not even considering that the message could be taken in a sexual way! So seeing a conditioner bottle with this negitive message made me really mad.  Notice the ". . . Daiquiri" It was just added for saving themselves. Sending a message out that being a virgin is a boring deal (You and I both know that was the intent of the whole deal on the bottle too!) isn't funny to me.

Let me know your thoughts. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

meet Shekim.

Note: this post is completely to be taken lightheartedly and not serious at all.
Inspired by, Shekim. Updated with a photograph.

Shekim is a dear Hebrew man. He started out as a friend from afar; I saw him picking fig leaves. I walked near, to say hello, only to find out he could not speak any English. He only spoke Hebrew. I asked myself "what am I to do? This young Shekim (in his stunning stature) cannot even converse with a fellow [future] friend!
So I looked in the phone book for a translator.. just someone, anyone, who can tell me what Shekim was trying to converse to me. No luck, at all. I found a dear woman who was from Israel (true story), and explained my situation and how I just needed to learn to speak Hebrew so I could talk to poor, fig picking Shekim.

She taught me all there is to know, so weeks passed and I went out again and through the lattace who did I see? Dear Shekim, in his finest. I ran out to greet him, I yelled "SHALOM!" I caught a glimpse of him smiling. He was so excited just to find someone is this place we call AMERICA, who could speak to him in his natural tongue.

Shekim and I became very well friends. I wash his laundry with stones everyday for him, whilest he picks me figs and comes through the lattace, to my home; where we sit and reminice of on the times when we couldn't understand eachother. I make Shekim and I pies with our figs and we save the leaves for extra clothing patches for when he works entirely too hard out in the fields picking fig leaves. I hope to post a photograph of my dear dear Shekim (Hebrew man) some day. He is very shy when peoples want to take photographs of him. I will see what I can do.

I must go and finish washing his clothes in the stones, it is the "all-purpose" stone I am using... I use it to grind wheat with as well.

Until then! ~Shekims friend.

Monday, October 20, 2008

There once was a bearded woman...

Inspired by,
Mari. haha.

I haven't written a blog post and I thought it would be fun to write about something really exciting; you know an edge of your seat thriller.
But, you'll realize you will have to look else where to find that ;)

I've learned so much from God lately, I feel like I'm learning something new about Him everyday. Which is obviously a goooood thing. I'm stuck on this verse and I'm trying my best to live up to it, it's Psalm 24:3-4 =) It's really hard for me to grasp this "waiting" period in my life. I feel like I want to know so much; I forget quickly what it means to trust God. Who cares if we don't know what tomorrow holds, one thing I do know is Who will be holding me through it. I have been drowning myself in worship music, and it has inspired me to the acoustic guitar. Such a good feeling..

I had a very eventful weekend. My friends from the south where you have cool bird dogs, hahaha, came to visit. It was a quite pleasant surprise!!!! I hope to visit them shortly. God definitely blessed an unworthy girl of so many things.

I am going camping this weekend and to a Renaissance festival with Amariah. It is going to be very cold.. if it comes down to it, we'll have to sleep in the car or something. hahaha. I'm such an outdoorsy sorta person. Though I love the warm weather, I enjoy myself a cool night! We've got ourselves the outfits and can't wait. We'll see people we know that we met in New Mexico- it will be a pretty funny reunion anyways.

OH! About the Title of this blog post, I have to explain this. At my friends wedding rehearsal I was trying to make the boy laugh so I put my hair around my face to look like a beard. And it looked really hilarious ... also beards on men are just the coolest thing along with flannel and plaid!

Enjoy ;) tell me how funny you think it is girls.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Skarfs are fun.

Skarfs are fun.

Ya' wanna know?

Australia, United Kingdom
I once was a lady, who lived in a shoe..had so many children, I didn't know what to do. uh..yeah.