Monday, October 20, 2008

There once was a bearded woman...

Inspired by,
Mari. haha.

I haven't written a blog post and I thought it would be fun to write about something really exciting; you know an edge of your seat thriller.
But, you'll realize you will have to look else where to find that ;)

I've learned so much from God lately, I feel like I'm learning something new about Him everyday. Which is obviously a goooood thing. I'm stuck on this verse and I'm trying my best to live up to it, it's Psalm 24:3-4 =) It's really hard for me to grasp this "waiting" period in my life. I feel like I want to know so much; I forget quickly what it means to trust God. Who cares if we don't know what tomorrow holds, one thing I do know is Who will be holding me through it. I have been drowning myself in worship music, and it has inspired me to the acoustic guitar. Such a good feeling..

I had a very eventful weekend. My friends from the south where you have cool bird dogs, hahaha, came to visit. It was a quite pleasant surprise!!!! I hope to visit them shortly. God definitely blessed an unworthy girl of so many things.

I am going camping this weekend and to a Renaissance festival with Amariah. It is going to be very cold.. if it comes down to it, we'll have to sleep in the car or something. hahaha. I'm such an outdoorsy sorta person. Though I love the warm weather, I enjoy myself a cool night! We've got ourselves the outfits and can't wait. We'll see people we know that we met in New Mexico- it will be a pretty funny reunion anyways.

OH! About the Title of this blog post, I have to explain this. At my friends wedding rehearsal I was trying to make the boy laugh so I put my hair around my face to look like a beard. And it looked really hilarious ... also beards on men are just the coolest thing along with flannel and plaid!

Enjoy ;) tell me how funny you think it is girls.



Sierra said...

LOL! I one time did that, but in my picture it was the "beard" plus a black eye, I really did look like a guy! :)

Melinda Ryken said...

Hilarious picture Kayla! It looks really cute!

Skarfs are fun.

Skarfs are fun.

Ya' wanna know?

Australia, United Kingdom
I once was a lady, who lived in a shoe..had so many children, I didn't know what to do. uh..yeah.