Wednesday, April 22, 2009

There once was a lady who lived in a shoe...

I just decided to update this little blog of mine mainly because I want to pretend I have a life outside of talking to Mari, haha. Yeah right! :)
What is there to say? Well, next month on the 21st, I get to visit Amariah! I am flying into Denver and Mari is picking me up from the Denver airport, along with some friends, and we will go to Nebraska. We're going to buy pretty fancy dresses and go out to dinner mainly because nobody takes us out to dinner, and we never get to dress up! Boo! Dot dada!


Unknown said...

For those of you who dont know, Mari is Amariah...That might get confusing. I want a dress! if you find any snap me a pic. :)

KLa said...

oh yesss...... my lovely dear! somethin' fancy and stunning...the guys have to wear suits! lol! i don't care what mark jeans! i still say Vivian needs to go LOL! ;-)
chickens and cows.xx

Skarfs are fun.

Skarfs are fun.

Ya' wanna know?

Australia, United Kingdom
I once was a lady, who lived in a shoe..had so many children, I didn't know what to do. uh..yeah.